Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back In Action

Well, we finally did it. We are back on the blog. It took us awhile to remember our blog address,(actually, I got it from my mom) but we are finally back in action and just might post blogs on here more than once a year. No promises, but we'll see.

This video was from Friday. Tess helped her off the bed, and then pointed her in the direction of a laundry basket. She took off after it. Then, we had her walk back and forth between us for about 10 or 15 minutes. She hasn't really wanted to walk too much since then, but we are still trying. Baby steps, right? (Ha ha, I am so funny.)

Hope you enjoyed our video. We will try and keep this blog more up to date.


  1. Wow, my voice isn't that high in real life, is it?

  2. Yay! Look at her go! And yes, Todd, when you talk to Lacee that's what you sound like lol

  3. Awesome, she looks so cute walking! (Is that... MY voice? Yzma, Yzma, put your hands in the air!!!)

  4. What a doll! She is so darling! Thanks for putting this on your blog so that your world away mom can enjoy these special moments with you! Thank goodness for technology! Love you all!

  5. So cute!! Before you know it, she'll be running and you would wish she were still crawling :)

    @The Brothers Family: That one cracked me up!

  6. I can't wait to see her again! And you and Tess, too. Love you guys
